Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lack of

Writing with out a topic at hand or a deadline is a near possible thing for me. I have a lack of inspiration so I surf my social media channels and stalk the more famous nerds for interesting things. Today I found this, and fell in love.

I'm quite happy with my life now after watching this.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Creating a Miracle

Everything is strange for me right now. I have this weird thing going where everything is going to jump off one way or the other.

 Its this feeling of something great happening but that great thing could be for me or against me. Obviously I'd like it to be for me. Damn, I could sure use something being for me right now.

 Its one of those moments where one has to have the will to overcome any obstacle, be it people, beasts, or things.

 The secret of miracle is having the will to harness the forces of nature and the universe.

 Here's to creating a miracle.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Racks on racks on racks

I met a cutie
She does not have a booty
Her boobies are nice

Humanity Has Declined is currently one of my favorite anime's.

These headless featherless chickens are running a factory!?
Lindsey Stirling has been one of my favorite current musicians. Take a listen and visit her channel.

Also I've been punching a lot of these.